I'm super featured in Obscurena! This is an interesting website about anything related to alternative/dark aesthetics and arts. I gave a flash interview for them and they made... This!! An entire page about me. They even made a video! This means I'm the first artist to be featured as "Our Precious". I'm still in awe! Thank you so much Obscurena. And congratulations for the wonderful website you built.
Now, I'm gonna leave the full interview also here on the blog. I hope you enjoy, and please don't forget to check it out also at Obscurena: here!
Tenho um super destaque no site Obscurena! Trata-se de um site muito interessante sobre tudo o que esteja relacionado com a estética dark/alternativo e artes. Dei uma entrevista flash para o site e eles fizeram... Isto!! Uma página inteira sobre mim. Até fizeram um vídeo! Isto significa que sou a primeira artista a ser destacada na categoria "Our Precious" ("A Nossa Preciosa"). Ainda estou em choque! Muito obrigada Obscurena. E parabéns pelo site maravilhoso que construiram.
Agora, vou deixar aqui aqui no blog a entrevista completa que dei. Espero que gostem e não se esqueçam de espreitá-la também no site, por favor: aqui!
Obscurena: Why Heavy Metal ?
Diana Rosa: It’s something that I feel but cannot explain. Of all the musical genres that I have explored, both as a listener and as a musician, metal was the one who sank in deepest in my skin and filled my soul. However, I enjoy many other music styles, and I believe that the healthiest option is to be open enough to appreciate musical quality regardless of its style.
Obscurena: What fascinates you in the Oriental Dance?
Diana Rosa: The universe of Oriental Dances (or bellydance) is much wider than one can possibly imagine, and has countless things that fascinate me. It’s a millennial dance that crossed time and geography, carrying a legacy of History and stories, and winds of distant and ancient cultures. It is a dance that teaches us to love ourselves and to know and accept our body in a special way. And it’s a dance that holds incomparable beauty and also cultural and spiritual richness.
Obscurena: How can you conciliate studies with all other activities?
Diana Rosa: Essentially, with lots of love. Because if I didn’t love everything that I do this much, I couldn’t bear all the necessary sacrifices required for everything to work: a strong willpower, dedication, discipline, cost containment, hard work and few hours of sleep.
Obscurena: You participated in ads and short films. What is your perspective on the world of representation?
Diana Rosa: It is a field in which I am still very inexperienced, but that seems to me very challenging and arouses my curiosity. If more opportunities like that happen to come to me, I’m sure I will take them and give my best. However, the world of agencies concerns me a little, because of their lack of honesty and professionalism, and I’ve had a few bad experiences related to this. Therefore, I believe that the safest way to get started in this world would be in small projects through direct collaboration with other artists, with no major intermediaries.
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